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Coming Soon


Guardian Masterclasses

Presenter. "How to build worlds in sci-fi and speculative fiction: A beginner’s class with Sally Gales." Guardian Masterclass. 15 April 2023. 2:00-4:00 pm.

Presenter. "How to build worlds in sci-fi and speculative fiction: A beginner’s class with Sally Gales." 
rdian Masterclass. 08 November 2022. 6:30-8:30 pm.

Morning Writing Facilitator. Summer Writer's Retreat.
Guardian Masterclass. 8 & 11th August 2022.

Lecturer. World-building for science fiction and fantasy: A weekend bootcamp with Sally Gales.
Guardian Masterclass. 25 & 26 June 2022.

Guest Speaker. "Maintaining momentum: Constructing worlds and narratives that take flight." 
University of Lincoln x The Guardian MA Creative Writing & Publishing. 25 March 2022. 2:00-3:30 pm.

Presenter. "How to build worlds in sci-fi and speculative fiction: A beginner’s class with Sally Gales." 
Guardian Masterclass. 24 February 2022. 6:30-9:00 pm.

Presenter. "How to build worlds in sci-fi and speculative fiction: A beginner’s class with Sally Gales.

Guardian Masterclass. 18 August 2021. 6:00-8:30 pm.

University Lectures, Conferences & Presentations

Presenter. "Writing for Diverse Audiences."
University of Glasgow - National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Communicate Your Research Summer Academy. 1 August 2023. 10:00-12:00 pm.


Lecturer. "Introduction to World Building" for Science Fiction & Speculative Fiction module.
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. 13 December 2022. 8:30-11:00 am.


Short Course Lecturer. "Introduction to World Building in Fantasy and Sci-Fi Writing."
Nottingham Trent University. 18 January – 08 March 2022.


Lecturer. Undergraduate Creative Writing Course. "Using Creative Writing to Improve Academic Writing Skills."
University of Glasgow's Learning Enhancement & Academic Development Service. 18 June - 23 July 2021.

Presenter. Afterlives: Pasts, Presents and Futures of Arts and Cultures Conference. "Post-Ruin Porn: Writing Through Obsession to Find My Place."
University of Glasgow. 01 - 03 July 2020.

Lecturer. Undergraduate Creative Writing Course. "Writing in the Moment."
University of Glasgow's Learning Enhancement & Academic Development Service. 05 May - 07 April 2020.

Workshop Co-Leader. "Deep Dive Workshops: Come for the Place – Stay for the Object."
Stay at Home! Literary Fringe Festival. 17 May 2020, 17 October 2020 & 21 May 2021.

Poster Presentation. Ruination and Decay Conference. "'Seeing’ Dead Spaces: Using Creative Writing to Find Place in Forgotten Space"
University of Highlands and Islands. 9-11 December 2019

Presenter. Creative Writing: Processes, Theory, Influences. "[un]Seen: Exploring Physical Places and Internal Spaces"
University of Edinburgh. 25 June 2019

Presenter. Symposium on Fantasy and the Fantastic. "[un]Seen: Exploring Physical Places and Internal Spaces"
University of Glasgow, Fantasy Department. 10 May 2019.

Lecturer. Undergraduate Creative Writing Course. "Magicking Reality."
University of Glasgow. 15 January - 12 March 2019

Guest Speaker. Biosystems Session. "Bio-Architecture: Living and Dead Spaces"
A&E Collective. 23 January 2019


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